Why Vegan in Ethiopia

I wanted to say something in reply to some folks' thinking that it would already be very expensive and unaffordable for people in Ethiopia to eat meat and that the vegan concept won't be needed as it should be in western and more affluent societies. But I tell you if you think like that, you got it wrong. Because we have the most meat loving society here together with the largest number of livestock in Africa and among the top ten in the world. This tells we consume many non-human animals and there is more elevated suffering and death for our non human animal co-citizens as the number of murdered is higher compared to the amount of meat and secretions consumed considering the less "efficiency" of local breeds in the agriculturalists' terms in a very animal agriculture and products dependant country. Besides, if you ask here if what would be the kind of meal that someone loves , you'd be amazed that most people would reply raw meat in being the answer and chicken stew is considered to be among the most prestigious dish despite the many available vegan friendly choices of dishes which are mostly considered to be lowly or for the lowly or for fasting times only. People would sometimes even salivate by the sight of a live fat ox or ram and wish it to be on their meal. We also have almost absent concerns for the death or murder of our innocent nonhuman animal friends that at home slaughter is experienced at almost all families in Ethiopia. Literally the famous glass wall slaughterhouse theory by Paul McCartney wont work here as it does in other places. It's usually a saddening reminder as a vegan here to see a person holding a slaughtering knife with one hand and with the other dragging a terrified stubborn ram by its hind legs on the streets to take it to a "suitable" place for the animal's verdict for being an innocent but tasty food and everybody not minding. People eat meat or anything you may call from a part of a dead animal especially cattle and small ruminants as well as poultry products more than anyone imagines. The small number of people living in the cities and their poorest members who can not afford to buy meat would most of the time resort to consuming other parts of mutilated animal body parts that would otherwise be considered inedible by the richer segment while anyone from the great majority of the Ethiopian society meaning the rural society poor or not can raise their own animals at their backyard for their own consumption. We even have tribes that milk the blood out of a live cow to be consumed raw immediately after. I do not agree with the accuracy of the statistics putting Ethiopians' animal products' consumption rate at low. I wish it was that way. But where are all those millions of farmed animals going despite the greatest lust for their parts  and secretions among the local community? Certainly they are not being kept in sanctuaries. Even so, the number of animals suffering and being murdered by far exceeds the consumptions rate as I cited the reason earlier that the efficiency of our breeds is considered very inferior.  Consequently we're paying the price for all the cruel acts we're committing to our animal friends in the forms of land degradation, compaction, overgrazing, pollution, climate change, biodiversity destruction etc that resulted in famines, elongated food insecurity and conflicts. The worst thing is despite all these facts Ethiopia is currently among the fastest developing countries in the world and western food and  culture being the trendy way here together with the lust for animal products and the indifference for the consequences, it is easy to imagine what the future could be. Almost all members of our society  understand or know nothing about veganism. They have not heard of it or never imagined that anyone would abstain from animal products for the sake of compassion or health or any other reason except in cases of some alien religious views.  All of this implies vegan education is very much needed here and veganism needs to be widespread enough from only a handful of vegans in the country at the moment. We need to be educated in order to be less dependant on animal agriculture. It is however very difficult to teach such a totally oblivious and religious bound society on the issues of needing to go vegan.  And a vegan advocate or activist can sometimes be labeled parrot for western societies and could often face stiff resistance for no good reason. Ethiopia can be one of the easiest and cheapest places to be vegan though. Generally veganism here should not only be the way of healthy and compassionate diet or lifestyle but also the ultimate means for the survival of the country and the well being of all its citizens humans and non humans alike.

Even if all of this was not taken into account, the fact that anyone is forced to live vegan for economic or any other reason while still having cravings for animal parts does not make that person vegan in my opinion. Particularly if the person is willing to return to her/his non vegan diet by the time the case forcing him/her is no longer there.  This person wont stay that way for long anyway. I mean I have heard of some tribes here that if they stayed for a while without consuming raw meat they would sit in front of a butchers shop where huge lumps of meat are displayed to  simulate consuming the raw meat while having bread in their hands. These people can't be said vegans at all.


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